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口语Part 3怎么答才能征服考官?



小编:Jessica 189

  雅思口语Part 3怎么答才能征服考官?大家都知道,雅思口语里面最体现大家现场反应能力,最难以准备的一部分就是Part 3。
  因为这一部分基本没有原题,考官是现场组织语言发问,发问的内容是根据考生Part 2 的内容来的,这就难坏了很多考生。今天咱们就来说说,考场上取胜Part 3 的四部曲。
  Fluency and Coherence
  Lexical Resources
  Grammatical Range and Accuracy
  大家会发现,这里面没有“听得懂”这一项。但其实,对于在考官现场发问的Part 3,这一项是隐含的评分标准。听得懂是有效交流的关键。
  如果是这种情况,大家在现场可以说:“Pardon,please?”或者用句子:“Sorry, I didn't catch the question. Could you please repeat it?”当然,如果连续几道题目都出现“Pardon”,那我们的交流状态就不是很理想了。
  那这种情况下,可能考官重复3 遍也没有用,因为词汇制约了你对于题目的理解。
  “Who do you think should pay for the services that are available to the people in a community?
  Should it be the government or individual people?”
  很多同学都觉得没有生词,但听完之后觉得没记住。如果我们可以抓住关键词“pay, service, community, government, individual”, 那理解起来就事半功倍了。
  为什么会有答题长度的要求呢?因为Part 3 的题目是对于Social life, 也就是社会生活
  广度其实就是分类讨论的能力,在分析问题的时候,希望大家尽量多想到几种情况,会根据主体或者正反面分类,不要仅仅停留在一个侧面,或者一个层面的分析。下面和     小编一起来看看吧!
  举一个非常简单的例子:“What sports do Chinese people like?”
  那这种情况下大家不能说“Football”或者“Basketball”这样一概而论。因为不同的年龄和性别,对于运动的选择可能不一样。那我们可以按照年龄段分类,比如说,可以分成children, teenagers, working people, the elderly. 或者我们也可以分性别,分成men and women 再去讨论。
  来试试这道题“Why do many people like going to concerts?
  一个Sample Answer:
  “I suppose that people go to concert for different reasons. Some people want to experience good music first-hand. They think the music in live concerts is much better than recorded music. Others want to get closer to the musicians and singers they are crazy about. They want to see their idols and interact with them in person. There are also people who go to rock concerts just to relax because they always suffer from a heavy workload. The atmosphere in live concerts helps them unwind because screaming out loud with other fans could help them release their pressure.”
  这一项给冲7 分以上的同学参考,如果大家的目标分数是6.5,那么达到以上的3 点就可以。
  深度就是在对于问题进行分类以后,尽可能往更深的社会层面去分析一下。剑桥官方给出的8分口语实例里面有一段就是考官在问一个德国考生,德国人的休闲方式。这个德国的考生不仅仅把类别分成男人和女人,还说出了男人喜欢踢足球是因为德国经济的“recession”,人们“suffer from pressure”, 踢球是一种很好的释放压力的方式。
  最后再为大家分享两个Part 3部分的高分回答范例供大家参考!

  Is crime a problem in your country?
  Well, I guess my answer would be determined by different conditions.
  I mean, in big cities, the crime rate is relatively high. I guess this is probably because there’s just too much temptation in big cities and many people cannot control themselves.
  But in the countryside, seldom can you witness a crime. The reason may have something to do with the fact that in the countryside, people’s mind is not that complicated. Most of them are satisfied with the way they are living and they don’t want too much.
  Do many people work on farms in your country?
  Well, in the past, the number of farmers in China was quite large. Decades ago, not so many people could get the opportunity to go to school. Consequently, most of them ended up working as a farmer.
  However, nowadays fewer and fewer people choose to work on farms. The explanation for this is that the money a farmer earns is no longer enough to cover the whole family’s needs. As a consequence, lots of people decide to find a job in the city where they can get a better payment

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