小编:环球教育整理 1399Part 2 一级重点(必考)
1. A school rule that you agree ordisagree 同意或不同意的校规
(What it is, why it is made, what are theconsequences of breaking the rule and why you agree or disagree)
Follow-up questions:
(1)Do you think strict rulesare necessary in schools?
(2)Should students involvein rule-making?
(3)What are the differencesbetween the high school rules and the primal school rules
2. An interesting place that only a fewpeople know 少人知道的有趣之地
(Where it is, when you go there, what you can dothere and why few people know there)
Follow-up questions:
(1)What kinds of touristsites are popular in your country?
(2)What can government do toprevent pollution in tourist sites?
(3)What are thedisadvantages when there are too many tourists in one site?
3. A letter you received 信
(Who wrote the letter, when you received it, what the letter was about and explainwhy it was important for you)
Follow-up questions:
(1)Do you write letters tomake connection?
(2)Is writing a letter still convenient in dailylife?
(3)What are the differences between writingletters and writing emails?
4. A special/unusual meal you had 特别的一餐
(Who you were with, where you went, when ithappened and why it was unusual)
Follow-up questions:
(1)Do young people likespending time with their families or friends?
(2)Do you think havingdinner at home is a good idea?
(3)Compared to the past, doyou think people are less willing to cook meals by themselves these days?
5. A country or a city you want to work inor live in 想工作或居住之地
(Where the country or city is, why you want to liveor work there, who you like to live or work with, what you would like to do inthat country or city)
Follow-up questions
(1)What are the advantagesand the disadvantages of living alone?
(2)Would you like to live ina developed city with high salary but with polluted air?
(3)What are thedisadvantages of living in a foreign country?
6. A leisure facility (a park or a cinema)you would like to have休闲设施
(What it is, where it is, when you go there, andexplain why you would like to have this facility in your country)
Follow-up questions:
(1)What kinds of leisurefacilities are popular in your country?
(2)What do young people dofor fun?
(3)Do you think it’s importantto do some leisure activities instead of working and studying?
7. An experience that you taught a friendor a relative 教别人
(Who you taught, when you taught, what you taught, how youfelt about the teaching)
Follow-up questions:
(1)What kinds of teaching skills are important?
(2)Do people in your country like to take onlinecourses?
(3)How to help old people to learn?
8. A piece of furniture 家具
(What it is, where it is, what does it look like,and explain why you use it.)
Follow-up questions:
(1) In your country, where dopeople buy the furniture for their homes?
(2) What factors do peopleneed to consider when buying furniture?
(3) What’s the differencebetween furniture in the office or at home
9. A TV program 电视节目
(Whatthe TV program is, how do you know it, what it is like and why you like it.)
Follow-up questions:
(1)Do young people like towatch TV nowadays?
(2)What TV programs arepopular in your country
(3)What fdo you think of TVadvertisements?
10. Anexciting book you have read 令人兴奋的书
(When you read it, what type of book it is, what itis about and why you read it)
Follow-up questions:
(1)which group will readmore, young people or old people
(2)Do you prefer books ormovies?
(3)What’s the differencebetween men and women in their reading habits?
11. Apiece of technology you like using (except computer) 技术
(What the technology is, when it was invented, whatit is used for and how you feel about it)
Follow-up questions:
(1)Does technology deeply affect people’s life?
(2)Is there any differences between technology incities and in small town
(3)Do you think that technology always has positiveeffects?
12. Afamous athlete 有名的运动员
(Who he or she is, how do you know him or her, whathe or she has achieved and why he is famous)
Follow-up questions:
(1)Do teenagers likeexercising in your country?
(2)What kind of exercises doChinese people like?
(3)Do you think physicaleducation is necessary? Why?
13. Ascience subject (you are interested in) you learned in your high school 科学课
Follow-up questions:
(1) What do young people usually do when hanging out together?
(2) Do young people like to visit their friendsnowadays?
(3) What time do you think is suitable for visiting
14. Aperfect holiday or vocation you had 完美假期
(Where you went, when you went there, who you wentwith and why it was perfect for you)
Follow-up questions:
(1) Do you like shortholidays or long holidays?
(2) Do you think modernlifestyles give people enough time for leisure?
(3) Do you think we shouldhave more public holidays?
15. Aoccasion when you helped a person 帮助他人
(What the situation was, who you helped, how youhelped and explain how you felt after helping others)
Follow-up questions:
(1)Should children be taughtto help others?
(2)How can we encouragechildren to help others?
(3)Compared to the past, doyou think people are less willing to help others nowadays?
16. Animportant river or lake in your country 河流或湖
(How long the river is, where it is, what it lookslike and why it is important)
Follow-up questions:
(1)Do people like that riverin your country?
(2)Do you like activities onwater?
(3)Is it necessary foreveryone to learn swimming?
17. Afamous athlete you admire运动员
(Who he or she is, how do you know him or her, whathe or she has achieved and why he or she is famous)
Follow-up questions:
(1) Do teenagers likeexercising in your country?
(2) Would you like to stay athome or going outside?
(3) What kind of exercises doChinese people like?
18. Atime when you saved money for something 攒钱
(When it was, why you saved money, how much yousaved and how you felt about it)
Follow-up questions:
(1) Do young Chinese like tosave money?
(2)What is the best way ofsaving money?
(3) Do you agree that themore money you save, the better life will be?
19. Acar/boat journey 坐车/船旅行
(Where you went, what you did, who you went withand explain why you went on that journey by car/boat)
Follow-up questions:
(1) Why do people like tohave private cars?
(2) Is it a good thing thateveryone has their own cars?
(3) What’s the differencebetween men and women’s preference on cars?
20. Atoy you had in your childhood 童年玩具
(When you had the toy, who gave you the toy, whatit was like and how you felt about the toy?
Follow-up questions:
(1)Why do children like tohave toys in their life?
(2)Do children like to playwith toys or computer games nowadays?
(3)Do boys and girls likethe same toys?
21. Aproduct you bought and felt happy 开心购物
(What it was, where you bought it, what it was for,how it was used and explain why it made you happy)
Follow-up questions:
(1)How often do people inyour country go shopping?
(2)What kinds of places arepopular for shopping in reality?
(3)What would you do if youbuy something bad from the internet?
22. Aphoto you can remember clearly that someone took for you照片
(Where it was taken, when it was taken, who took itfor you and why it was unforgettable for you)
Follow-up questions:
(1) Why do some people liketaking photos, some don’t?
(2) Would you like takingphotos with strangers?
(3) What kind of pictureswould you like to keep in your wallet or hang them at home?
23. A time when you felt happy because of usingyour cellphone 使用手机的快乐经历
(When it happened, where it happened, who you werewith and why you felt happy by using your cellphone)
Follow-up questions:
(1)Will the use of cellphonecause any problems to others?
(2)What are the advantagesof having a mobile phone?
(3)Are children allowed touse mobile phones in your country?
24. Anachievement that you are proud of 骄傲的成就
(How you did it, how difficult it was and why you are proud of it)
Follow-up questions:
(1)What kinds ofachievements should young people have?
(2)Should people give upbecause they are afraid of failure?
(3)Should people set goalsfor themselves?
25. A situationwhen you had to be polite 不得不礼貌的一次
(What situation it was, who were there, who you hadto be polite and how you showed politeness)
Follow-up questions:
(1)Are Chinese people becomemuch politer or not?
(2)In what ways do Chinesepeople show politeness?
(3)What are the uncivilizedmanners on public transportation?
Part 2 二级重点
1. The season you like most in a year 最爱的季节
Follow-up questions:
Do you think weather has influence onpeople’s mood?
How you feel the climate in recentyear?
What kinds of jobs will do in somespecific seasons?)
2. The major you are learning 正学习的专业
Follow-up questions:
What kinds of majors are popular inyour country?
Which one do Chinese students prefer,art or science?
3. An important skill which cannot belearned at school 学校不教的技能
Follow-up questions:
What qualities do you think are themost important for work?
What skills do you want to learn?
Is it necessary for teenagers tolearn to use computers?)
4. A business man you admire 敬仰的商人
Follow-up questions:
What kinds of business are popular inyour country?
What age do people want to retire inyour country?
Would young people in your countrylike to open their own business or find a job?
5. A historical period you are interestedin of your country 历史时期
Follow-up questions:
Do young people like historicalstories in your country?
Which historical period do you thinkis important in your country?
Do you think history matters in acountry’s future development?
6. A time with old people 与老人的共同时光
Follow-up questions:
Do young people like to live with oldpeople in your country?
Do people nowadays spend less qualitytime for their family?
How much time should parents spendwith their children every day?
7. A good parent you know 好家长
Follow-up questions:
In your country, who will take careof children?
Would you take care of children byyourself or hire a babysitter?
What do you think of some teenagersare controlled by their parents?
8. An interesting foreigner you know 令人感兴趣的外国人
Follow-up questions:
Do you like making friends withpeople from other countries?
Do you think communicating withforeigners is a good way to learn about foreign cultures?
What kinds of problems will peoplehave when they travel or live in a foreign country?
9. A place in your city that you like tovisit with your friends or family与亲朋好友喜欢去的地方
Follow-up questions:
Do you think that technology makes iteasier to make new friends?
What do you think is the mostimportant thing of being friends?
How could people find reliablefriends on the internet?
10. Atraditional product in your country 传统产品
Follow-up questions:
Did the products made in the pasthave better quality than the ones made now?
Do you think teenagers should learnabout tradition?
Is it necessary to protect thetradition? In what ways?
11. Aspecial day out which did not cost too much 在外面花费不大的特别一天
Follow-up questions:
Do teenagers spend more money thanbefore?
Why is online shopping so populartoday?
How can people save money as much aspossible?
12. A positive comment someonegave you 积极评论
Follow-up questions:
What are the advantages of givingpeople positive feedback?
What would happen if parents overlyencourage their children?
Who need more encouragement, boys orgirls?
13. Aplace where people listen to music听音乐之地
Follow-up questions:
Should children learn to playinstrument?
Should parents force them to learnmusic?
What are the advantages of learningmusic?
14. Arecent development in your city 城市最近的发展
Follow-up questions:
What is the best means oftransportation?
How do you think of thetransportation system in your hometown?
Where do Chinese people like to go inthe weekends?
15. Agood decision someone made 好决定
Follow-up questions:
Should children make decisions onthemselves?
How should parents help theirchildren to make decisions?
Do you think it is advisablelistening to others’ advice when making decision?
16. Anideal house or apartment you like to live in 理想的房子或公寓
Follow-up questions:
Do most Chinese people live in anapartment or house?
Do young people in your country liketo live with their parents or by themselves?
Would you live in a foreign countryin the future?
17. Anadvertisement that you saw and made you buy something 广告
Follow-up questions:
What are the advantages anddisadvantages of advertising?
Do people in your country likeadvertisements?
In what ways do advertisementsinfluence people?
18. Animpressive story someone told you 故事
Follow-up questions:
What kind of stories do childrenlike?
Do you think reading benefits us ornot?
How to keep reading habits in yourbusy life?
19. Ahappy service you got recently 高兴的服务
Follow-up questions:
How do you deal with impolitewaiters?
Do you think all the waiters shouldbe given training classes?
Would you like to work in the serviceindustry in the future?
20. Apublic place that needs to be improved 需改善之地
Follow-up questions:
Do you like to exercise in the publicplaces such as parks?
Do older people or younger peopleprefer exercising in the public place?
What measures should government andindividuals take to keep public places clean?
21. Away to stay healthy 健康之道
Follow-up questions:
What do old people in your country doto stay healthy?
Do you think young people should playdangerous sports?
What else can people do to stayhealthy besides sports?
Describe something you learned in a place/from aperson
You should say:
1.What you learned
2.When this happened
3.Where it was / Who taught you
4.And explain how difficult it was to learn
Well I'd like to talk about an experiencethat I learnt how to fry fish from my granny.
Actually it happened not so long ago, justa few weeks ago, when I went visit her for the weekend. Before that, I hadn'tseen her for almost half a year and i pretty yearn for the meal she cooks, cos youknow, personally I'm definitely a foodie who fancies canto cuisine so much.
So fascinating are her culinary skills thatI may not live without her tasty dishes when I'm abroad, I mean, it must begoing to take me a good while to get used to the new eating habits in the UK,so I gotta learn how to cook before leaving.
It was not a hassle as I had ever imagined,since my granny is a pretty good teacher. She had prepared all the ingredientsat home, like the fish, ginger, scallion and whatnot. The most important thingis that she taught me how to master the furnace, how to pour the proper amountof oil, cos, if not, it would get the fish burnt. This way I managed to cookthe fish at the end, tasting good. I feel it's quite addicted to cook the meal,and I will be a good cook I think.