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小编:长安 77





  1. a wedding you have been to

  2. a place near water

  3. a new skill you would like to learn

  4. the first time that you used a foreign language to communicate.

  5. a way of saving money


  Describe a way of saving money.

  You should say:

  what the way is

  how you know this way

  what you may do in this way

  and explain do you think it is easy to save money this way.

  Speaking of a way of saving money, the first thing that bumped into my mind is online shopping. When I was young, I saw my sister who was shopping online and she said this was much cheaper than going to physical shops. At first, I didn’t know about how to buy cheap things so I asked for advice from my sister. Now, I knew how to buy this stuff backwards and forwards. If I want to buy something, I will surf a lot of stores to compare the price. Also, I will look the comments to find out whether the quality is good or not. Finally, I will choose a suitable product which is good value for money. On the one hand, it is easy to save money because it is inconvenient to go to the physical shops to buy stuff. If you want to buy cheaper thing, you need to bargain which will cost a lot of my energy. On the other hand, the cost of shops is totally decreased, so we can buy cheaper things.

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