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5月12日雅思口语预测(含新题) | PART 2



小编:梁东阳 516


  Part 2 新题预测

  1. An interesting job you want to have in the future想从事的有趣工作

  (What it is, how you can find this job, what qualities it requires, and explain why it is an interesting job)

  Follow-up questions:

  (1)Why do some people keep changing their jobs?

  (2)What should a good employer do?

  (3)What kinds of preparation should people do for a job interview?

  2. The time when you received your first cellphone 第一次收到手机

  (When it was, where you were, who gave you the cellphone, what it was like and how you felt about it)

  Follow-up questions:

  (1)Is it popular for children to use cellphones in your country?

  (2)What age do you think is suitable to allow them to use cellphones for children?

  (3)What are the advantages and disadvantages of using cellphones?

  3.  A favorite songs of yours 喜欢的歌

  (What this song is about, when you listened to this song for the first time, how often do you listen to this song and explain why you think it is your favorite)

  Follow-up questions:

  (1)What type of songs is the most popular among today’s young people?

  (2)Why do you think pop music is so popular?

  (3)Has your preference in music changed over the years?

  4.  A time that you were shopping in a street market 街市

  (When it was, where you were, what you bought and how you felt about the shopping experience)

  Follow-up questions:

  (1)Where do you like to go shopping?

  (2)Why do some people prefer street markets rather than shopping malls?

  (3)Do you think the goods sold at discount stores do not have good qualities?

  5.   A website you like to visit 常用网站

  (When you found it, what it is about, how often you visit it and explain why you like this website)

  Follow-up questions:

  (1)    What are the reasons why people use the internet?

  (2)Some people say that different age groups have different tastes on internet content, what do you think?

  (3)Do you think parents should control what websites their children visit?

  6.   A useful skill you learned in a math class from your school 数学课学到的技能

  (What the skill was, how you learned it, who taught you and why it was useful to you)

  Follow-up questions:

  (1)Can computers help us in math areas

  (2)How do you use math in your daily life?

  (3)Do you think everyone needs to learn math?

  7.   Something you own that you want to replace 想换掉的东西

  (What it is, where it is, how you got it and explain why you want to replace it)

  Follow-up questions:

  (1)What kind of things do young people like to replace?

  (2)Do old people in China like to hoard things?

  (3)Who do you think will want new things, children or old people?

  8.   Someone who is talkative 能说的人

  (Who this person is, how you know this person, what this person likes to talk about and how you feel about this person)

  Follow-up questions:

  (1)What communication skills are important?

  (2)Are most Chinese people talkative?

  (3)What jobs need employees to be talkative?

  9.   A time that you had to change your plan 改变计划

  (When this happened, what made you change the plan, what the new plan was and how you felt about the change)

  Follow-up questions:

  (1)Do old people often change plans?

  (2)What are the common reasons when people need to change plans?

  (3)What kind of plans are practical?

  10.  An interesting animal有趣的动物

  (What it looks like, when you knew it for the first time, where it lives and explain why it is interesting)

  Follow-up questions:

  (1)Have you seen any TV programs about animals?

  (2)Do you supporting doing experiment on animals?

  (3)What would happen when some species disappear on earth?

  11.  A building you like 建筑

  (Where it is, what it is used for, what it looks like and explain why you like or dislike it)

  Follow-up questions:

  (1)How do people in China feel about old buildings?

  (2)Do old people and young people in China have the same attitude towards old buildings ?

  (3)What aspect of culture do old building reflect?

  12.  A competition you want to take part in 想参加的比赛

  (What the competition is, how you knew it, what you need to prepare for it, and explain why you want to attend it)

  Follow-up questions:

  (1)Why there are many competition programs on TV nowadays?

  (2)Do you think competition is important at work places?

  (3)What kinds of competitions are popular in China?

  13.  A party that you joined 参加的派对

  (When it took place, where it was, whose party it was, what you did there and how you felt about the party)

  Follow-up questions:

  (1)What do children often do in a birthday party?

  (2)Do Chinese people like to hold parties?

  (3)Do you think people can make more friends if they often attend parties?

  14.  A time that you wore a type of clothes for a special occasion 特别场合的衣服

  (What the occasion was, what you wore, where you bought the clothes and what other people at the occasion thought of your clothes)

  Follow-up questions:

  (1)Does personality affect how people choose to wear?

  (2)When should people wear formal clothes?

  (3)Do people wear formal clothes more often than before?

  15.  A popular comic actor/actress in your country 喜剧演员

  (Who he/she is, how do you knew him/her, what comedies have he/she performed and explain why he/she is popular)

  Follow-up questions:

  (1)Should actors be paid more?

  (2)What influences do actors or actress have on young people?

  (3)Who are more popular in China, TV stars or movie stars?

  16.  A trip you went on by public transport 乘坐交通工具旅行

  (Where you went, what means of transportation you took, who you were with and how you felt about the trip)

  Follow-up questions:

  (1)Is fair to limit the use of private cars?

  (2)Should governments encourage people to use public transportation?

  (3)Do you prefer public or private transportation? Why?

  17.  A happy experience you had before 开心经历

  (Where you were, when it happened, who you were with, what you did and explain why you felt happy)

  Follow-up questions:

  (1)Do you think money is important?

  (2)What do you do to make yourself happy?

  (3)Why are children generally happier than adults?

  18.  something important that you lost in the past 丢失的重要物品

  (When this happened, where you lost it, what it was , what you did after it was lost, and explain why it was important)

  Follow-up questions:

  (1)What can we do to prevent losing important things?

  (2)What kind of things have you lost so far?

  (3)What do you usually do to look for items?

  19.  Something interesting that your friend has done but you haven’t 朋友做过的趣事

  (What it was, where your friend did it, when your friend did it, and explain why it was interesting)

  Follow-up questions:

  (1)Are people influenced more by their friends or their parents?

  (2)Are people influenced by famous people?

  (3)What have you learned from your friends?

  20.  Something you do to keep you concentrated 集中注意力的事

  (What it is, How often you do it, when you started doing it and explain why it helped you concentrate)

  Follow-up questions:

  (1)Is it Important for children to learn how to concentrate?

  (2)Have you ever felt difficult to concentrate?

  (3)What kinds of distractions are bothering you in your life?

  21.  A magazine that you like 喜欢的杂志

  (What the magazine is, when you started reading this magazine, what the content is and explain why you like this magazine)

  Follow-up questions:

  (1)What kind of magazines are the most popular?

  (2)Do people read magazines for fun or for learning?

  (3)Do you think journalist are subjective in their reports?

  22.  A sports that you have watched on TV before and you want to try 看过且想尝试的运动

  (变题:A sport that you watched by yourself)

  (What it is, when you first watched the sport, what you like about the sport and explain why you would like to try this sport)

  Follow-up questions:

  (1)Why do old people like to watch sports on TV?

  (2)Should children spend more time playing sports?

  (3)Do you think group sports are more useful than individual sports?

  23.  A famous person/celebrity in your country 名人

  (Who this person is, how do you know about this person, what sort of life they had before they became famous, how this person became famous and explain why this person is important)

  Follow-up questions:

  (1)How do people become famous?

  (2)What types of people become famous in your country?

  (3)What are the good points about being famous?

  24.  A time you spend with your friend in your childhood 童年时光

  (Who is this friend, how did you know about each other and explain why you describe this time)

  Follow-up questions:

  (1)Is it important to have friends for children?

  (2)Do you still keep in touch with your friends in your childhood?

  (3)Are teenagers more influenced by their peer or their parents?

  25.  A quiet place you found 安静之地

  (Where it is, when you found it, how you found it, how often you go there, what it is like and how you felt about the place)

  Follow-up questions:

  (1)Is it hard to find quiet places in cities?

  (2)How would you deal with noisy neighbors?

  (3)Compared with young people, do old people tend to live in quiet places?

  Part 2 旧题回顾

  1.A school rule that you agree or disagree 同意或不同意的校规

  (What it is, why it is made, what are the consequences of breaking the rule and why you agree or disagree)

  Follow-up questions:

  (1)Do you think strict rules are necessary in schools?

  (2)Should students involve in rule-making?

  (3)What are the differences between the high school rules and the primal school rules

  2.  An interesting place that only a few people know 少人知道的有趣之地

  (Where it is, when you go there, what you can do there and why few people know there)

  Follow-up questions:

  (1)What kinds of tourist sites are popular in your country?

  (2) What can government do to prevent pollution in tourist sites?

  (3)What are the disadvantages when there are too many tourists in one site?

  3.  A letter you received 信

  (Who wrote the letter, when you received it, what the letter was about and explain why it was important for you)

  Follow-up questions:

  (1)Do you write letters to make connection?

  (2)Is writing a letter still convenient in daily life?

  (3)What are the differences between writing letters and writing emails?

  4.A special/unusual meal you had 特别的一餐

  (Who you were with, where you went, when it happened and why it was unusual)

  Follow-up questions:

  (1)Do young people like spending time with their families or friends?

  (2)Do you think having dinner at home is a good idea?

  (3)Compared to the past, do you think people are less willing to cook meals by themselves these days?

  5. A country or a city you want to work in or live in 想工作或居住之地

  (Where the country or city is, why you want to live or work there, who you like to live or work with, what you would like to do in that country or city)

  Follow-up questions

  (1)What are the advantages and the disadvantages of living alone?

  (2)Would you like to live in a developed city with high salary but with polluted air?

  (3)What are the disadvantages of living in a foreign country?

  6. A leisure facility (a park or a cinema)you would like to have休闲设施

  (What it is, where it is, when you go there, and explain why you would like to have this facility in your country)

  Follow-up questions:

  (1)What kinds of leisure facilities are popular in your country?

  (2)What do young people do for fun?

  (3)Do you think it’s important to do some leisure activities instead of working and studying?

  7.  An experience that you taught a friend or a relative 教别人

  (Who you taught, when you taught, what you taught, how you felt about the teaching)

  Follow-up questions:

  (1)What kinds of teaching skills are important?

  (2)Do people in your country like to take online courses?

  (3)How to help old people to learn?

  8.  A piece of furniture 家具

  (What it is, where it is, what does it look like, and explain why you use it.)

  Follow-up questions:

  (1) In your country, where do people buy the furniture for their homes?

  (2)What factors do people need to consider when buying furniture?

  (3)What’s the difference between furniture in the office or at home

  9. A TV program 电视节目

  (What the TV program is, how do you know it, what it is like and why you like it.)

  Follow-up questions:

  (1) Do young people like to watch TV nowadays?

  (2)What TV programs are popular in your country

  (3)What fdo you think of TV advertisements?

  10.    An exciting book you have read  令人兴奋的书

  (When you read it, what type of book it is, what it is about and why you read it)

  Follow-up questions:

  (1)which group will read more, young people or old people

  (2)Do you prefer books or movies?

  (3) What’s the difference between men and women in their reading habits?

  11.A piece of technology you like using (except computer) 技术

  (What the technology is, when it was invented, what it is used for and how you feel about it)

  Follow-up questions:

  (1)Does technology deeply affect people’s life?

  (2)Is there any differences between technology in cities and in small town

  (3)Do you think that technology always has positive effects?

  12. A famous athlete 有名的运动员

  (Who he or she is, how do you know him or her, what he or she has achieved and why he is famous)

  Follow-up questions:

  (1)   Do teenagers like exercising in your country?

  (2)   What kind of exercises do Chinese people like?

  (3)   Do you think physical education is necessary? Why?

  13. A science subject (you are interested in) you learned in your high school 科学课

  Follow-up questions:

  (1)What do young people usually do when hanging out together?

  (2)Do young people like to visit their friends nowadays?

  (3)What time do you think is suitable for visiting

  14.    A perfect holiday or vocation you had 完美假期

  (Where you went, when you went there, who you went with and why it was perfect for you)

  Follow-up questions:

  (1)Do you like short holidays or long holidays?

  (2)Do you think modern lifestyles give people enough time for leisure?

  (3)Do you think we should have more public holidays?

  15. A occasion when you helped a person 帮助他人

  (What the situation was, who you helped, how you helped and explain how you felt after helping others)

  Follow-up questions:

  (1)Should children be taught to help others?

  (2)How can we encourage children to help others?

  (3)Compared to the past, do you think people are less willing to help others nowadays?

  16. An important river or lake in your country 河流或湖

  (How long the river is, where it is, what it looks like and why it is important)

  Follow-up questions:

  (1)Do people like that river in your country?

  (2)Do you like activities on water?

  (3)Is it necessary for everyone to learn swimming?

  17.    A famous athlete you admire运动员

  (Who he or she is, how do you know him or her, what he or she has achieved and why he or she is famous)

  Follow-up questions:

  (1) Do teenagers like exercising in your country?

  (2)Would you like to stay at home or going outside?

  (3)What kind of exercises do Chinese people like?

  18. A time when you saved money for something 攒钱

  (When it was, why you saved money, how much you saved and how you felt about it)

  Follow-up questions:

  (1)Do young Chinese like to save money?

  (2)What is the best way of saving money?

  (3)Do you agree that the more money you save, the better life will be?

  19. A car/boat journey 坐车/船旅行 remerge

  (Where you went, what you did, who you went with and explain why you went on that journey by car/boat)

  Follow-up questions:

  (1)Why do people like to have private cars?

  (2)Is it a good thing that everyone has their own cars?

  (3)What’s the difference between men and women’s preference on cars?

  20.    A toy you had in your childhood 童年玩具

  (When you had the toy, who gave you the toy, what it was like and how you felt about the toy?

  Follow-up questions:

  (1)Why do children like to have toys in their life?

  (2)Do children like to play with toys or computer games nowadays?

  (3)Do boys and girls like the same toys?

  21.A product you bought and felt happy 开心购物

  (What it was, where you bought it, what it was for, how it was used and explain why it made you happy)

  Follow-up questions:

  (1)How often do people in your country go shopping?

  (2)What kinds of places are popular for shopping in reality?

  (3)What would you do if you buy something bad from the internet?

  22. A photo you can remember clearly that someone took for you照片

  (Where it was taken, when it was taken, who took it for you and why it was unforgettable for you)

  Follow-up questions:

  (1)Why do some people like taking photos, some don’t?

  (2)Would you like taking photos with strangers?

  (3)What kind of pictures would you like to keep in your wallet or hang them at home?

  23. A time when you felt happy because of using your cellphone 使用手机的快乐经历

  (When it happened, where it happened, who you were with and why you felt happy by using your cellphone)

  Follow-up questions:

  (1)Will the use of cellphone cause any problems to others?

  (2)What are the advantages of having a mobile phone?

  (3)Are children allowed to use mobile phones in your country?

  24.    An achievement that you are proud of 骄傲的成就

  (How you did it, how difficult it was and why you are proud of it)

  Follow-up questions:

  (1)What kinds of achievements should young people have?

  (2) Should people give up because they are afraid of failure?

  (3)Should people set goals for themselves?

  25.  A situation when you had to be polite 不得不礼貌的一次

  (What situation it was, who were there, who you had to be polite and how you showed politeness)

  Follow-up questions:

  (1)Are Chinese people become much politer or not?

  (2) In what ways do Chinese people show politeness?

  (3)What are the uncivilized manners on public transportation?

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