小编: 94口语
Task 1
Which of the following do you think is a good way to visit a city?
Organize well the trip
Visit the museums
Walk down the streets
Task 2
Do you prefer to have a busy schedule and to do lot of activities or to have more spare time?
Task 3
Proposal: TOP chemistry students receive money as an award to motivate students
The man does not agree with the proposal
-The students of the chemistry department are already motivated enough, because the degree of chemistry is like an award. It makes you look good in the resume, and helps you get a better job in the future.
-The facilities in the lab are rather old. It is better to use the money to upgrade the equipment. It is beneficial to all students.
Task 4
Definition: Role-playing is an technique to train sales and to help them answer the customer’s concerns.
One long example: the professor’s brother
The professor’s brother owns a company, which sells cars. Each time he trains his new employee, he acts like a potential customer and asking questions. When he asks that he doesn’t sure if the product worth the money, the new employee can take the chance to practice to explain the special features of the car in order to convince the customer. It is a good exercise for the new employee to deal with the real customers.
Task 5
Problem: time conflict, the man has an appointment with his dentist in the afternoon, however, his French studying group is schedule for the same time
Solution 1: go to see the dentist and skip the study group.
Solution 2: go to the study group and reschedule the appointment with the dentist.
Task 6
Two ways ants use to gather water to moist their nest
1. To transport the water back to the nest. They forage water like foraging food. Collecting water drop with their jaws, the ants bring the water back drop by drop.
2 To trap water outside the entrance of their nest. They use feathers to collect water during the night and then collect the water in the morning.
Reading | Listening |
水母(jellyfish booms)在海边过度生长环境和人类活动都带来了很多危害。为了控制水母的过度生长,三种策略 | 三种方法都不可行 |
1 水母幼体polyps 附着在海底坚固表面成为colonies,很容易用化学物质清除 | 海岸水体种很多人造的结构,会附着大量的幼体,彻底清除不可能。使用的化学物质对其他的海洋生物也同样具有毒性。 |
2 人类食用清除 human consumption | 水母品种及其丰富,其中只有12种是可以食用的,而且目前人们的食用量只占繁殖量的1% |
3 很多过量生长,因为外来水母品种幼虫附着船底引入,要求船员每次出行彻底清洁船底 | 船公司为了盈利存在,彻底清洁耗费时间,会降低捕鱼与运输效率,没人会执行 |
Do you agree or disagree with the statement:
In order to succeed, one have to be different with everyone.
1 女孩咨询工作人员申请一个夏季实习的资格,因为她没有相关组织活动的经验,工作人员开始误会是春季的实习,说是助理工作不需要经验,但是报名已经来不及了。但是夏季的时间可以,却需要经验,因为要独立工作independent, 但是女孩说自己学生物有学术背景。男的再三强调他没有决定权,但是建议女孩申请。需要材料为cover letter 和生物教授的推荐信
2 Roman advanced technology
Aqua duct 参见TPO27 口语第六题 内容相似
把水源引入城市,让城市能够成功的扩大。从山上的水源引入城市,需要高度差,结构走地下,更安全。 城市保持清洁。好多结构非常实用而且美观,拱桥结构可以节省建筑材料,还美观
3 天文学
4 Paper 课题问题,女生打算写非洲的一个部落,但是找不到足够的资料,咨询教授是否换题,教授说找不到资料因为他们早期没有语言。然后给了一些建议。女孩问想换一个话题关于非洲education,nomatic
5 记不起来了
6 戏剧
Realistic 作品描述普通人的生活,不在写大英雄,大恶人的形象。
Naturalist 代表人物 Emile Zola
1 欧洲中世纪农业发展,罗马种植技术的遗留,两块地(休耕,耕作)交替进行,发展到北方三块地交替。犁的发展,能让马代替牛,牛更聪明,更快,干活时间更长,还听的懂指令。这样人口增长了,带动了贸易,会到更远的地方trade,最远到过中国。商人也会在贵族有钱人多的地方建市场,购买力更强。举例法国香槟省地区又三大市场。
2 glide and soar. 空气动力学,两种上升气流,热+山坡,以鸟迁徙举例。有了热气流更加省里
3 灭绝时代Pleistocene Extinction,更新世末期的灭绝,影响了体积庞大的哺乳动物。影响最严重的是美洲澳洲。两种解释