小编:长安 72以下是2017年10月21日雅思口语考试回忆整理,希望对大家有所帮助。
Part 1考题总结
What's (the name of) your hometown (again)?
Is that a big city or a small place?
Please describe your hometown a little.
How long have you been living there?
Do you like your hometown?
(Possibly) Do you like living there? *
What do you like (most) about your hometown?
Is there anything you dislike about it?
Do you think you will continue living there for along time?
Who gave you your name?
Does your name have any particular (or, special) meaning?
Do you like your name?
In your country, do people feel their name is very important?
Would you like to change your name?
Is it easy to change your name in your country?
Who usually names babies in your country?
Do you have any special traditions about naming children?
What names are most common in your hometown?
Can you describe the place where you live?
How long have you lived there?
Who do you live with?
Do you plan to live there for a long time?
What is the difference between where you areliving now and where you have lived in the past?
Do you prefer living in a house or a flat?
Have you ever travelled by boat?
Do you like boats?
Would you like to have your own boats?
Is boat trip trip popular in your country?
Your Work
What work do you do?
Why did you choose to do that typeof work(or that job)?
Do you like your job?
Is it very interesting?
(Possibly) Do you miss being astudent?
Your Studies
What subject(s) are you studying?
Why did you choose to study thatsubject?
Do you like your subject? (Why? /Why not?)
Is it very interesting?
Do you prefer to study in themornings orin the afternoons?
Do you do housework athome?
What kinds of houseworkdo youoften do?
Did you do houseworkwhen you werea child?
Do you think thatchildren shoulddo housework?
Do you have any jewelry?
Are you interested in having anyjewelry?/What’s your attitude toward jewelry?
What kinds of jewelry would youlike tohave?
How often do you wear jewelry?
How often do people in yourcountry wearjewelry?
Do you often look at yourself inthemirror?
When do you usually look in amirror?
Did you buy many mirrors?
Do you think mirrors are necessary ornaments?
What do you think of using mirrorstodecorate rooms?
Time management
How do you organize you time?
Do you think young people organize their time in the same way?
Are you ever late for anything?
What excuses do you use when you late?
Do you like it when others are late?
In your country, do people forgive others when they are late?
If you had more time, what would you do with the extra time?
Daily Routine
What part of your day do you like best?
What’s your daily routine?
What is the busiest part of the day for you?
What’s the difference of routine between you and your teenager’stimes?
Are there many advertisements in your country?
Why do you think there are so manyadvertisementsnow?
What are the various places where we seeadvertisements?
How do you feel about advertisements?
Part 2考题总结
1.A businessman youadmire.
2.A helpful personin work or study.
3.An interestingperson from another country.
4.A time that youhad a free gift.
5.A piece of art.
6.Your favoritepiece of clothing.
7.An interestingplace that few people know.
8.A city you havebeen to.
9.A time you needto arrive early.
10.An English lesson you had.
2017年10月21日的这场考试考题延续了整个9-10月份出现的新旧题,范围比较稳定,所以考生碰到如rainy day, boat, mirror 这样的“另类题目”时不要慌张,要跟自己平常的生活习惯联系起来,有条理的讲明白自己喜欢/不喜欢雨天,乘船/不乘船,或者为什么照镜子/不照镜子的原因就行。至于之前出现的新题,如bus, high school,punctuality 等也可以跟之前旧题里的transportation,school 等话题的论据相连系。
遇到P2 题目时也要稳住心态,跟之前学过的题卡联想一下看看有没有类似的论据,如a cartrip you have been to和a holiday youwant to goon就完全可以是做同一件事(自驾游),考生只要阐述明白(喜欢这个活动的)原因就可以了。