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小编: 1748

  Part one

  What’s your full name?

  Are you a student or working? What’s your major? Why did you choose it? Do many people study this major?what is the difficulty about your major?why do you choose this school?any plan for your future?

  Where is your hometown?can you tell me something special about your hometown?do you want to stay in your hometown in the future?is there anything you want to change about your hometown?

  Do you live in a flat or house?do you want to move? which room do you like the best in your home, how to improve your room? Is it a good place for children to live?do you know the people in your neighbourhood?

  Do you like train?anything interesting you experienced on the train?

  Do you often use map?when you use it?will you ask directions from others in your city?

  Do you like traveling? Is traveling popular in your country? in which season do you like to travel?

  Do you prefer e-dictionary or traditional one? Will u be happy if someone send you a dictionary as a gift?

  Do you like cooking?who cook in your family?家里做的食物有什么好处? What kind of food do u like?

  What kind of animal do you like ?do you often go to the zoo?should kids know some animals?

  What kind of clothes do you like to wear? Who usually buy clothes for you? How to pick new clothes? Is shopping popular in your country? Why traditional shopping not so popular as before? The advantages and disadvantages of big shops?

  Do you think english is hard to learn?how do you learn it?do you want to learn another language?

  How do you celebrate your birthday?what kind of people like to celebrate birthday?

  Do you often wear a watch? When is the best time in a day for you to study? Do you think being on time is a good habit?how do you feel when others kept you waiting?

  Do you like walking?City or countryside which do you prefer to have a walk?

  Do you like to communicate with others?

  Do you often watch historical tv show? Or listen to historical lectures?

  Do you like sunlight? What do you hate to do when there are sunlight outside?

  are there many trees in your city? How to protect trees?did you climb trees before?

  How you usually get news?

  Do you like your neighbors? How do you think about the street market?

  Do you like riding bikes? What are the benefits of riding bicycles?

  When is the best time in a day for you to study?

  When you use mobilephone? Who bought it for you?when you will turn off the phone?do you want to change a new cellphone?

  Did you learn painting before? Do you think children should learn painting?why some people like to put paintings at home?

  How long do you usually watch tv everyday?What kind of tv show you like to watch?

  What kind of music do you like to listen to?do you think lyrics is important?

  What kind of toys did you play in your childhood? Did you still keep them?

  what’s your sleeping habit? What can help you get a good sleep? Do you think old person sleep more or less than the young people?

  Do you like to go to the park?why?

  Do you often write e-mails or letter? What do you usually write about?

  What kind of advertisement you like to watch?

  Do you do some housework at home?is it important to let child do some housework?

  how to keep healthy? How to relax? Do you know how to cook?

  Do u often use computer?do you often use internet?who use internet in your family?

  Do you like taking photos?when was the last time you took a photo?

  do you prefer the traditional buildings or modern buildings?

  What kind of weather do you like? Which weather do you like, hot or cold?your favourite season?

  What kind of sports do you like?

  What kind of bags do you like?what kind of toys do you like to play in your childhood?


  Part 2 +3


  1 an occasion you met an old friend/a person you haven't met for a long time /a person you want to be with

  p3how to keep friendship?how do you think about the reunion of the old fiends or classmates?/关于如何遇到新的朋友 ?朋友的特质 ?人们成为朋友的原因

  2 an intelligent person you know/ a successful friend

  P3觉得老师如何影响学生的intelligence?教师的素质?在孩子的成长中,老师还是家长重要?你觉得高智商的人快乐么?有智慧的人自私吗?和别人不一样吗?有智慧是件好事吗?让小孩更爱学习的方法?/how to be successful?what can make u succeed ,except hard study?

  3 a famous person( from a foreign country) /a Chinese comic actor


  4 A stranger who helped you / a neighbour you helped



  5 the first mobilephone you had(第一个手机让你的生活有什么不同)


  6 Something you bought but don't use very often /an equipment you have had a problem with

  P3: quality and price which one do people in your country pay more attention to? 日常生活中用什么类型的机器。为什么机器经常坏,在中国什么机器经常坏,怎么看待中国学生喜欢把笔记用手机拍下来而不愿动笔

  7 a popular product/ something you take home from the vacation/ something you can’t live without (except your computer and mobilephone)/sth made in your country (from your region)

  part3旅游的人们一般喜欢买什么纪念品?那这些电器对人们有什么disadvantage? 对老人来说使用这些equipment easy or difficult?他们用什么比较容易?什么比较难?

  8 something you bought by the money you saved/ a period of time you saved money

  P3 about saving money,how to spend money in the right way? 结婚了钱放在妻子那儿好不好?你觉得应不应该共同保管?信用卡能促进消费?

  9 something you recycled

  9 an interesting old thing in your family

  P3:what kind of old things should be kept?do you think old things are better?should we keep all of them?

  10 A photo someone took for you

  part3 Is photography popular in your country?照相是不是艺术,好照片要有什么标准,你喜不喜欢照相,为什么有的人不喜欢他们的照片?photo 的意义? 为什么有人喜欢拍照? 你觉得现代人通过什么途径照相?你觉得人们是爱互相照还是去照风景?

  11 a gift you received in your childhood

  P3 大人和孩子花钱的观念有什么不同?孩子会用这些钱干什么?怎么帮助孩子省钱。大人用钱做什么?do you often give gift? Money or gift which is better? Do you change gift with others? Do Chinese often change gifts? Is it difficult to choose right gift?

  12 a toy you played in your childhood

  Part 3 Do you still keep this toy?Why children like a certain toy instead of others? Do you think children have too many toys? How can parents avoid the situation? What kind of toys are popular in your country? Do you think toys can develop children's intelligence?

  14 a clothes you wear on special occasion/ your favourite clothes

  part3 女士和男士买衣服的不同?你怎样看待中国的“杀价”/ bargaining?你喜欢大商场还是小商店?你怎样看待那些注重名牌的人? How do you think about shopping online?


  15 a tourism attraction/ a seaside city// a perfect holiday/ a place which is far away from your hometown/ a place you want to own a house

  PART3 旅游景点的分类?老人和年轻人喜欢的景点类型一样吗? nature and city which is better?你喜欢用什么交通工具去旅行,。What is the difference between business trip and tour trip?是问你喜欢一人旅游还是和朋友,各有什么好处?然后旅游当中最重要的是什么?

  16 a place far away from your home/an interesting country /a place you learn a foreign culture

  part3difference between travel abroad and live abroad? international tourism(why?好处?坏处?) ,一个国家最吸引年轻人的是什么? 中国人为什么想去国外旅游?

  17 a (historical) or (important) building in your hometown

  p3人们如何对待historic building? 保护的话怎样保护? historic building重要吗?能够代表一个国家和城市吗? 新建筑和老建筑的不同?那些著名的建筑为什么这么出名?是年轻人还是老人更喜欢那些历史遗留下来的建筑?

  18 A school you attended in your childhood

  P3 is teacher a popular job in your country? Big class or small class,which one is better for the students? Is small class more suitable for kids?why some poeple like to teach kids?can everyone teach kids in the school?

  19 a restaurant

  p3人们为什么在外面吃饭,local restaurant和international restaurant,在外吃饭的坏处?why we have fast food?

  20 a garden/ or park /a leisure center

  part3你是否喜欢公共花园?什么人喜欢花园?城市是否都有了花园?政府是否应该投资兴建花园或是把钱花在其他建设上?政府是否应该对公共花园收费? /人们休闲方式 和以前的不同?

  21 a shopping mall

  PART3 问网上购物的利弊,对经济是否有好处等购物话题? Difference between shopping mall and local shops?


  22 a foreign movie/ a movie you dislike

  part3 what made you laugh ? Are children easier to laugh than adults? why ? Do.you think modern people laugh more than people in the past?/ /从电影中可以学到什么?中外电影的区别?外国电影在中国流行么? 一个好演员要具备的素质? 成为一个电影明星的好处和坏处?喜欢在家看还是去电影院?大多数年轻人喜欢什么类型的电影? 喜欢悲剧还是喜剧?乡村需要加强娱乐设施建设吗?

  23 a magazine /a website.

  P3: What kind of magazine people in ur country like to read?do you think reading books is better than reading magazine?why people read magezine? 网络新闻会取代报刊杂志吗本地新闻和全球新闻对人的影响 /website在中国流行么?different age use website.

  24 A TV program( which made you laugh)/ a radio program

  part3: 电视好还是广播好?/电视节目有什么改变?小孩应该看电视吗?人们都用多长时间看电视?商家做广告有好处吗?人们会更容易受广告影响吗?小孩子容易受广告影响吗?看电视时间太长会怎么样? 你认为中国最受欢迎的什么节目?你认为明星是否挣钱过多?

  25 an advertisement you like(which makes you want to buy something)

  P3: 中国最普遍的广告形式是?广告为什么有时被人讨厌?音乐在广告中的作用?小孩子是否不应直接接触广告?人们更喜欢在哪看到广告?你觉得名人做广告怎么样?小孩做广告怎么样?

  26 a letter you received(wrote) / an advice you received from your relatives

  P3 difference between email and letter?

  27 a book you want to read again(or someone recommended to you)/( a story you heard in your childhood)

  p3 will you recommend this book to your friends?why people read books?do you think the internet is a good way to get information? do you think books or newspaper/magazine will be replaced by e-book in the future? /P3: 故事该不该有happy ending ,为什么故事里有good guy bad guy?


  28 a good law in your country

  P3 警察职业热门不,为什么?是不是每个人都要遵守法律?有没有特殊情况可以不遵守法律?警察和律师你想当那一种职业?

  29 a subject you can share information with others/ a lesson you had

  p3: 老师应该鼓励学生提问题吗?basic knowledge 好处?以及它的重要性?电视节目能学到知识吗?你认为上课一定要funny吗?

  30 An interesting animal

  P3 how to protect rare animals? 个人应该做什么?政府应该做什么?

  31 a sport you want to try for the first time/ a sport event you watched/a way to keep healthy

  P3 do children always do sport activities in China? What are the benefits for doing sport? What is the most popular sports in China? What are the differences between individual sports and team sports?男孩和女孩各自喜爱的运动?体育竞赛中你个人对胜负的看法?你的朋友或家人喜欢运动吗?do you think athlets are making too much money?

  32 An indoor (child) game

  P3 is competition a good thing? 通过室内游戏会获得什么?什么室内游戏在中国最流行?

  33 a time you are very busy

  P3:how to relax when u r busy? What kind of people around you need to relax?is there anything u have to do everyday ,but u hate to do?

  34 an occasion you forgot to do something

  P3 你觉得你的记忆力怎么样?还有谁是你知道的记忆力好的人?你有什么好的方法记东西? 通过自身怎么提高记忆力? 重要事情怎样记住?需要好记忆力的工作?孩子怎样记东西?

  35 sth you enjoyed doing with old people/a positive experience/ an event that changed your life

  36 a family celebration /local food / a special meal

  part3 about family celebration, wedding? about meal,north China south China is the same?,meal for children和adult区别,meal家好还是restaurant好,meal的price还是quality重要。

  37 an occasion when you moved to a new home or new school


  39 a public transportation

  part 3 public transportation优点和缺点?

  40 a job you did/ describe an (unusual/ideal )job you would like to do (in the future /in your childhood)

  part 3:男女对工作的要求?什么工作在中国流行?男人找工作的要求?is it difficult to find a job? what ways do people to find job? what kind of people employers need, why? what skills do people need to find a job? which is better, go to society before university or go to university directly? do schools help students to find jobs? what do they do? What can a good employer provide to his employees in addition to salary?

  41 something you did to learn another language/A foreign language you want to learn (except english)

  Part 3 世界都用一种语言好不好?哪种语言在未来会更流行?大人or小孩学语言容易,学语言的困难、好处?过去还是现在学的人多?去国外学英语好吗?打算通过什么学习这种语言?学习有难度么?

  42 your favourite season

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