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小编:梁夏菁 79







Part 1

*前三必考题 后面高频题

Part 2高频预测


Describe an unusual meal you had

You should say:

When was it ?

Where you had the meal ?

What happened during the meal ?

And explain why it was unforgettable/how you felt about it ?

I’m going to talk about an unforgettable meal I had on my friend’s Halloween costume party last year. The party was held in his house in the suburb of Beijing.

What I really wanna say is that it was a genuinely fantastic party and thus I had a lot of fun there. We ate, we danced and drank. People were excited.

And actually I feel it was unforgettable for tons of reasons. Like, firstly, there was dressing code for the party. In order to join the party, we were required to dress up as a superhero or a cartoon figure because my friend is a Marvel and Disney fan. Besides, we were amazed by the food he prepared for the party, which was so delicate. I mean, I don’t really know how he made those fingers and human heads with wheat flour and other ingredients. All I know is that he is a genius and obsessed with such things. But the food was amazing not only because of its creativeness but also its taste.

It tasted so different from how they looked. That’s why the dinner was so impressive.

Except for the food and costumes, he also decorated his house just like that I have seen in an ‘’Modern Family”, an amazing American Show.

And my friend told me that he prepared 3 months in advance for the party since he wanted to impress every visitor. He did it. We greatly enjoyed ourselves there.


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