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小编:梁夏菁 76






  Part 1

  *黄色必考题 橙色高频题

  Part 2 高频预测

  Describe a time that you had to change your plan

  You should say:

  When this happened?

  What the new plan was?

  What made you change the plan?

  And how you felt about the change.

  Well I’m going to talk about a time when I’ve got to make a pizza for my granny. It was one of the most impressive sudden decisions I’ve ever made, which happened just a fortnight ago.

  Initially, we had made an appointment to dine out at weekends, since both of us wanted to have a big meal. But unfortunately, when we just stepped out of the courtyard, we were showered by the downpour suddenly without any protection, and thus we had got to run back home as soon as possible.

  So I had no choice but cooking the meal on my own. You know, actually my stomach was growling at the point of opening up the refrigerator and finding out there was only an onion and several pieces of pepperonis. Luckily, there’s some flour in the cupboard for making a pizza dough. After the pizza pan was taken from the lumber room, I placed the premade pizza dough in it, along with those pepperonis and onion slices and some bits of home-made sauce. Last but not least, I sprinkled some cheese cubes on top, and delivered it into the oven. The whole bake took 20 minutes or so. Finally we had an enjoyable dinner, and my granny even licked her fingers after she had finished, which was quite hilarious.

  So what I really wanna say is that maybe I’m a bit adept at cooking mouth-watering food, cause not only did my granny have a nice meal, I also ended up with a sense of fulfilment. Anyway, although we didn't make it to have a big meal in a restaurant, it's still a pleasant experience for both of us.

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