小编:环球教育整理 171PART1 基本必考
1. Work or study
Are you a student or do you have a job? Hot
(student)What do you want to do when you graduate?Hot
Why did you choose to study that?
What was the first school you attended?
What subjects do you like and dislike?
Do you like your high school?
What was your feeling about the first dayyou went to school/college?
Which school are you studying in?
Why did you choose this university/school?
Which city do you study in? Why did youselect this city?
Do you like your professors and classmates?Why?
Where do you prefer to study?
Do you prefer to study in the morning or atafternoon? Why?
What do you do during the process oflong-time learning?
(job)Why do you choose your current job?
Were you happy when you were in thiscompany for the first day?
Do you like your current job? Why?
Why do some people choose to study abroad?
Which subject are you specialized in?
Do you like school parties?
What is your dream job?
Describe your job in detail.
Is your job important to you?
If you could, would you change jobs?
Which is the best university in China?
Describe your study habits?
Do you think your present subjects arerelevant to society?
What are your job prospects?
What’s (the name of) your hometown?
Is that a big city or a small place?
How long have you been living there?
Do you like your hometown?
What do you like (most) about your hometown?
Is there anything you dislike about it?
Do you think you will continue living therefor a long time?
Do you live in a house or a flat?
Do you prefer living in a house or a flat?
Do you plan to live there for a long time?
What's the difference between where you areliving now and in the past?
Can you describe the place where you live?
Which room does your family spend most ofthe time in?
Are the transport facilities to your homevery good?
Are you willing to live in the countrysidein the future?
4. Exercise(New)
Do you like to do daily exercise?
What sport or exercise do you do?
How often do you do some physical exercise?
Do you (or did you) do any regular physicalexercise at school?
Do you think children should be encouragedto do more exercise?
Do you participate in any sports with yourfriends?
Are there any sports facilities near whereyou live?
PART1 高频重点
1. App
Do you often use apps on mobile phones?
What apps do you often use?
Do you want to make an app of your own inthe future?
What kinds of apps do you expect in thefuture?
2. Sleeping
How many hours a day do you sleep?
Do you think that's enough?
How many hours do you think is enough foryou to sleep daily?
Do you think studying hard helps peoplesleep?
Do you agree that excessive sleep can bedangerous?
Do you think sleep is important?
Do you ever have a nap during the middle ofthe day?
Do you think elderly people need less sleepthan young people?
How do you think people can have a goodsleep?
Do you do anything before going to bed tohelp you sleep?
3. Daily transport
How did you come here today?
Do you like to take public transport?
Have you ever travelled by bus or by taxi?
Do you prefer taking bus or taxi?
Do you often travel by bus or taxi?
Do you think public transport system couldbe further improved?
What is the most popular means of transportin your country?
How often do you take buses?
Can you compare the advantages of planesand trains?
Is driving to work popular in your country?
Do you think people will travel more in thefuture?
Would you ride bikes to work in the future?
What will become the most popular means oftransport in China?
Do you prefer private or public transport?
4. Meal
What food do people where you live usuallyeat?
Which meal do you prefer, lunch or dinner?
What do you usually eat for lunch?
What do you usually eat for your eveningmeal?
Do you prefer to eat three full meals a dayor do you prefer to eat many snacks throughout the day?
Do you think it is better to eat one bigmeal a day or is it better to eat several smaller meals each day?
Which meal of the day do you think is themost important?
Do you think breakfast is important?
What do you usually eat for breakfast?
Is there any special food that youparticularly like?
Would you like to try any new food?
Where do you usually eat your meals?
Do you usually eat your meals together withyour family?
What are the benefits of eating with thefamily?
5. Birthday
How do children celebrate birthdays in yourcountry?
How did you celebrate your last birthday?
What kinds of birthday gifts do you like toreceive?
Is there a difference between the way youcelebrated your birthday in the past and in the present?
6. Newspaper (new)
Do you often read newspapers?
Do you prefer to read local news or internationalnews?
Do you like reading newspapers ormagazines?
Do you think newspaper will disappear inthe future?
Which do you prefer reading, magazines ornewspapers?
What kinds of newspaper do you usuallyread?
Do you think it is important to read newspapers?
What are some methods that newspapers useto attract readers?
What influence do you think newspapers haveon society?
Do you think the Internet is a good way toget news?
Do you think magazines and newspaper willexist 50 years from now?
7. Film(new)
Do you like to watch films?
Do you prefer foreign films or Chinesefilms?
How often do you go to a cinema to watch afilm?
Do Chinese people like to go to a cinema towatch a film?
What kind of movie do you like best?
What was the first film that you watched?
8. Computer
Do you use computers very much?
When do you use a computer?
What do you use computers for?
What part do computers play in your life?
What computer skills would you like tolearn?
When was the first time you used a computer?
When did you learn how to use a computer?
How did you learn to use a computer?
Are computers used much in your country?
Do you think computers are useful (orimportant) in everyday life?(How?)
Do you think there are any disadvantages tousing computers?
Do you think computers are useful for theeducation of children?
Do you think computers are perfect now ordo they still need to be improved?
9. Volunteer
Have you ever done any volunteer work?
Would you like to work as a volunteer?
Is volunteering worth the time it takes?
What could you do to help if you had nomoney?
Can you think of different types ofvolunteer work?
Would you volunteer to help people outsideyour community?
What benefits other than personalsatisfaction could you personally get by volunteering?
Why do you think people volunteer?
10. Newspaper
Do you often read newspapers?
Do you prefer to read local news orinternational news?
Do you like reading newspapers ormagazines?
Do you think newspaper will disappear inthe future?
Which do you prefer reading, magazines ornewspapers?
What kinds of newspaper do you usuallyread?
Do you think it is important to readnewspapers?
What are some methods that newspapers useto attract readers?
What influence do you think newspapers haveon society?
Do you think the Internet is a good way toget news?
Do you think magazines and newspaper willexist 50 years from now?