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小编:Hosea 124

  Part 2&3考题总结

  1.A good parent you  think.

  2.A historic figure  you like.

  3.An interesting  person from another country.

  4.A business leader  / businessman that you admire.

  5.A knowledgeable  person you want to know.

  6.An interesting person.

  7.A product you  bought that made you happy.

  8.A piece of  furniture you like.

  9.An activity you  do to keep fit.

  10.An important  letter that you received.

  11.Arule at your school that you agree or  disagree.

  12.Asubject you learned in the high school.

  13.A traditional  product in your country.

  14.An advertisement  you have seen recently.

  15.An exciting book  you read recently.

  16.Aleisure facility (cinema/theater/ sports  center) would like to have in  your  hometown.

  17.Aplace that people listen to music.

  18.Adream home.

  19.Your teaching  experience.

  20.An achievement  that you are proud of.

  21. Acar journey.

  22.An occasion that you helped someone  (friend  or relative).

  Part 3 题目解析

  How does modern  technology affect the delivery of information?

  Sample answer:

  Well,  thanks to the emergency of cell phones and tablet PC, as well as the fast  Internet speed, international communication becomes easier than ever.It's  not only an eye-opener for the public, but also facilitates the friendship  between Chinese and foreign.

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